dimanche 8 décembre 2013

Les ateliers de Noël : achats, recettes et photos !

La 1ère édition des Ateliers de Noël a été un grand succès. De très nombreux enfants, accompagnés de leurs frères et soeurs, sont venus fabriquer cartes de voeux, guirlandes et photophores, décorer des pommes de pins, ...

Suite aux demandes de nombreux parents, voici les endroits où nous avons déniché le matériel pour ces ateliers :
Carrefour Antibes pour tous les stickers décoratifs
La Foirfouille pour les paillettes, gel, ...
Cultura pour la peinture sur verre, les scotchs décoratifs, ...
Casino du Rouret pour les bombes de peinture
Les bois d'Opio pour les stocks de pommes de pin.
Ikéa pour les perles, les biscuits de Noel, les feutres tampons, ...

Par ailleurs, à la demande générale, voici quelques unes des recettes que vous avez pu gouter samedi dernier :

Cranberry and White Chocolate Cookies - Makes 30
du blog "The godess kitchen", réalisés par Marianne

Ingredients150g plain flour½ tsp baking powder½ tsp salt75g rolled oats (not instant)125g soft butter75g dark brown sugar

100g caster sugar
1 egg1 tsp vanilla extract
75g dried cranberries
50g pecans, roughly chopped
150g white chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 180oC/ 350°F/gas mark 4.

Measure out the flour, baking powder, salt and rolled oats into a bowl.
Put the butter and sugars into another bowl and beat together until creamy — this is obviously easier with an electric mixer of some kind, but you just need to put some muscle into otherwise — then beat in the egg and vanilla.
Beat in the flour, baking powder, salt and oat mixture and then fold in the cranberries, chopped pecans and chocolate chips.
Roll tablespoonfuls of dough into a ball with your hands, and then place them on a lined or greased baking sheet and squish the dough balls down with a fork. You may need two baking sheets or be prepared to make these in two batches.
Cook for 15 minutes; when ready, the cookies will be tinged a pale gold, but be too soft to lift immediately off the tray, so leave the tray on a cool surface and let them harden for about 5 minutes. Remove with a spatula to cool fully on a wire rack.
Preheat the oven to 180oC/ 350°F/gas mark 4.
Measure out the flour, baking powder, salt and rolled oats into a bowl.
Put the butter and sugars into another bowl and beat together until creamy — this is obviously easier with an electric mixer of some kind, but you just need to put some muscle into otherwise — then beat in the egg and vanilla.
Beat in the flour, baking powder, salt and oat mixture and then fold in the cranberries, chopped pecans and chocolate chips.
Roll tablespoonfuls of dough into a ball with your hands, and then place them on a lined or greased baking sheet and squish the dough balls down with a fork. You may need two baking sheets or be prepared to make these in two batches.
Cook for 15 minutes; when ready, the cookies will be tinged a pale gold, but be too soft to lift immediately off the tray, so leave the tray on a cool surface and let them harden for about 5 minutes. Remove with a spatula to cool fully on a wire rack.
Measure out the flour, baking powder, salt and rolled oats into a bowl.
Put the butter and sugars into another bowl and beat together until creamy — this is obviously easier with an electric mixer of some kind, but you just need to put some muscle into otherwise — then beat in the egg and vanilla.
Beat in the flour, baking powder, salt and oat mixture and then fold in the cranberries, chopped pecans and chocolate chips.
Roll tablespoonfuls of dough into a ball with your hands, and then place them on a lined or greased baking sheet and squish the dough balls down with a fork. You may need two baking sheets or be prepared to make these in two batches.
Cook for 15 minutes; when ready, the cookies will be tinged a pale gold, but be too soft to lift immediately off the tray, so leave the tray on a cool surface and let them harden for about 5 minutes. Remove with a spatula to cool fully on a wire rack.

Nous vous laissons faire la traduction ...

Et également la boisson Glogg norvégienne de Nina :

Pour 1 litre d'eau :

Faire bouillir 4 dl avec dedans:
10 clous de girofle
2-3 batons de canelle
quelques morceaux de gingembre frais (environ 2c. a soupe)
Les zestes d'une orange.

Laisser à feu doux 15min.
Refroidir et de préférence mettre au frais la nuit.

Enlever les épices et réchauffer , puis mélanger à son gout.

Pour les enfants: rajouter environs 6dl d'eau chaude avec la grenadine/sirop de myrtilles/ sirop cassis/ pommes.... (moi j'ai mit grenadine avec myrtilles)

Pour les adultes: mélanger avec du vin (environ 6dl)

Enfin, pour terminer, quelques photos de la fête 

Rendez-vous le samedi 12 avril pour les ateliers de Pâques !

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